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Question: Is my meaning clear in Part IV!?
--Sin Seeker_
*Part IV~

Pierce the heart and bind the moth
not a scream will be released
When morning cold comes from the south
the graveyards count will be increased
My loyal blade, and red abounds
no longer dreams lay soft and white
A swift escape and sun’s stark peek
I will fade into the light
Though goal is meat and payment found
an emptiness begins to swell
As I rest upon the ground
somehow I feel I’ve failed
-is there none without sin!?

I do not know if my point is made clear… if it is not then tell me so I may improve pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's meaning is ephemerally ambiguous and it doesn't much matter to me!. I am guessing that I'll be able to figure everything out when I read the whole thing!. So, it is still very exciting and I am filled with anticipation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ummmm, ummmm, ummmm!.!.!.ahhhh!. WTF!. Okay, no, no, I will make sense of this!. However, I do believe in the first line that you mean "mouth" instead of moth, because binding a moth will not keep anyone from screaming, also "moth" does not rhyme, or even eye-rhyme with south!. also, is the sun looking at you or has it reached its "peak"!. I know I'm probably being inordinately harsh but the tone of this poem overall is exceedingly enigmatic and the spelling errors, if that is what they are, are not helping anything!. This is too good a series to muck up and not have people understand!.

You haven't failed!. There is none without sin, quite a melancholy note for our Sin seeker who hates themselves for what they do, and perchance for what they are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I KNOW this cannot be the end! I know you have some more story to tell, hell, if not we are all $crwed!

I love the message behind the words!.!.!. and the enigmas of the wording!.!.!. it leaves me wanting so much more! GIVEY GIVEY GIVEY!Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me, abundantly darling!.!.!. I saw this one coming, in a way, knowing you!.!.!. In my last answer!.!.!. well, you'll read them all!.

I await the next step in this Saga!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com