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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem..."Friendship" you like it?

Question: A poem!.!.!."Friendship"!.!.!.do you like it!?
There is sometimes a fusion of the souls
That Karma binds into eternity,
Rare as the phoenix and as many times reborn,
Beautiful as any cuccooned metamorphosis!.
And so are sisters of the soul like twins
In friendship boundless as infinity
And love as timeless as the wheel of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How lovely, Amy!. I love the way you put things!. This is so special!. I wish always to be your friend!. It's nice to have friends with things in common like writing poetry!. God bless you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is etherial; more like gossamer butterflies slipping through time!. It is beautiful!.

I love this line:
That Karma binds into eternity,

One word misspelled!.

There is sometimes a fusion of the souls
That Karma binds into eternity,
Rare as the phoenix and as many times reborn,
Beautiful as any cuccooned metamorphosis!. <-- cocooned
And so are sisters of the soul like twins
In friendship boundless as infinity
And love as timeless as the wheel of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is sometimes a power so strong,
you sit and listen, waiting to arise
but it holds you in a pleasant, powerless stasis!.
Suddenly your emotions are not your own,
controlled by a weaver of words,
a spider not of poison but of love
who binds you into her web and makes you feel
as family, not a foe!.

I speak of your words, Amy!. I would rise from my seat, but my body will not obey me!. You will have to receive a sitting ovation!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Am I a sister of the soul!?

This takes me into a place of calmness and nature!.!.!. AND of a unity of friends!.!.!. The pictures in my mind open and unfold like wildflowers, triggering something deeper in my spirit!.!.!. the knowledge that we are not alone!. That seems to be a prominent theme in your work, the connection to others!.!.!. it is a chilling, in a very good way, feeling to know that there are those like you out in the world!.!.!. Thank you for this AMY, this is why I treasure your thoughts on my own work!.!.!. This is why I so treasure you!.!.!.

Blessed BeWww@QuestionHome@Com

When that magnificent Wheel turns round once more, we look around and find we've never lost anyone we loved!. So it begins into infinity!.
What a breath of life so early in the morning!. This poem is true, forever, and beyond!. You have harnessed truth!.!.!.that is a rare thing to do will skill and soft grace!. Accept a thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Will the wheels of life continue to turn
when we have ravaged and burned
all that we see!?
The dogs of war and industry
continue to push us to the brink
where someday soon we all may sink
never to return!.!.!.

I saw true love this week
and true love saw me
I smile and remember
falling into their sweet deep seas!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having just been through the death of my love, I see so much meaning in this for myself!.!.!. I hate to sound selfish in saying so much about 'me'!.!.!. I believe my Vale's Karma is in the spiritual circle now!.!.!. She has dies on the physical realm but is very much alive in the love she left behind!. This is where a poem helps voice the thoughts I have already!.!.!. I didn't quite know how to say it until I read this!.!.!. Thank you for placing fonder memories in my mind!.!.!.

Blessed Be, AMY GWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes !!! I like it!. I believe in your poem!. We are destined to meet others that we had a connection with in the past!. Whether we were sisters, mother and child, lovers, it doesn't matter!. Love remains and never dies!. This poem is wonderful!. Thank you!. It has brightened my night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

AMY, I am going to cry!.!.!. you speak to the 'sister' part of me!.!.!. LOL, and *smiles*

This is most amazing!.!.!. your knack for lifting others is born into the words of your poetry!.!.!. you are a beautiful light in a dark world!.!.!. Thank you for the lift, I was growing tired out here on the road of down-dumnessWww@QuestionHome@Com

Love and friendship cannot die, they travel through time into Eternity!. You have expressed this truth magnificently in your poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com