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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem for my bf in!!.:(?

Question: A poem for my bf in iraq!.!.!.help!!!.:(!?
i want to write a poem for my bf!. hes in iraq and coming home soon!.
i have so much in my head!.!. i will write it down:) but i just want more ideas of what to put!.
its a love/hero one by the way:)
i would appreciate your help:)!.
thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Having been there, understanding that, I can tell you that he'll want to know you're there for him, that you won't grill him about what he did, he saw, etc!., that you just want him to know you're still there for him and that he can always count on you (which he already knows, I'm sure)!. If you tell him he's your hero, make sure he knows it's not because of what he did over there, but because he was over there because of the person he is!.!.!.and that's your personal hero, the one you're proud of every day!.!.!.a hero who holds your hand as well as your heart and who stands by you with a strength that only love could muster!.

always!.!.!.!.keep writing!.!.!.he'll love whatever you put together, because he's in love with the author :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kevin S!. has said it all!.

Write from your heart -- don't take the pen away from the page until you feel empty!. Then, take that essay or esoteric journal entry and save it; next step, take it apart and from the emotions you listed and that linger in the whole, you will find the poem that says what YOU want to say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Say that you're waiting for him every day and that you miss him so much!. But don't put in anything about death or killing coz that can be kinda traumatic!. Maybe talk about things that are going on every day in your life or remembering things that you did together!?Www@QuestionHome@Com