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Position:Home>Poetry> Anyone good with poems?

Question: Anyone good with poems!?
i have to make!.
a narrative poem!. (3 stanzas)
Simile and Metaphor!.
Free Verse!.
& color!.

i have no clue what to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A Haiku is 3 lines, a stanza is a group of lines (2 or more), and a narrative poem is basically a story, an Acrostic is a poem whose lines are arranged so the first letter in each line spells a word vertically, and a Limerick is a specific style of rhymed verse!.!.!.free verse is a style of unrhymed poetry, Simile and Metaphor are poetic devices!.!.!.so, do you have to write a narrative poem of 3 stanzas, a Haiku, an Acrostic or a Limerick!.!.!.or do you have a choice!?

If you want a Haiku:

red leaves fall to ground
trees undress as days grow short
rain soon turns to snow

Acrostic: (in free verse)

Like hearts entwined
Only those who feel
Very closely tied
Ever really stay together


There once was a guy from New York
Who thought it was cool to eat pork
But when he told his dear rabbi
How much he liked Ham on cold rye
He knew everyone thought him a dork

hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

do a haiku they are soooo easy they can be about anything!.!.!.(usually nature) they are only three lines long!.

the first line has to be 5 syllables
the second line has to be 7 syllables
and the third line has to be 5 syllablesWww@QuestionHome@Com