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Position:Home>Poetry> Comment my poem, full of alliteration, everyone comment please :)....?

Question: Comment my poem, full of alliteration, everyone comment please :)!.!.!.!.!?
Its only small, and i made every line start with the letter 'S' i dont know if this is a way of poetry but i did it :)

White Hunter

Sunken depths of darkness
Striking helpless prey
Stalking, severing, savaging,
Stale flesh from pale white bone
Stricken by rotting fish
Savoring, swimming, starving,
Soul white hunter lured by blood
Shadowing curious flocks
Silent, scoping, sprawling,
Searching for its soul mate
Swarming swollen seas in silence!.
Stranded, struggling, soulless!.

I have more poems here http://poetrysamateur!.wordpress!.com/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this is a definite style of poetry and a very good one at that, love it and great job with the alliteration, keep it up!

The alliteration is wonderful and the poem is very well written!. It is intriguing and powerful in its imagery as well!. You have a lot of talent, and I hope you continue to post your poems!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
