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Position:Home>Poetry> This is for everyone who has had to keep the kids away for a day or two. Do you

Question: This is for everyone who has had to keep the kids away for a day or two!. Do you like it!?
by TD Euwaite

Poof and the Fairy
Dust muster buster wheezes

and a waive of his hand to clear the air…

He peeks at the schedule (shedule, for Granny)

“I am here to grant three wishes!’

But we hasn’t asked any wishes!.
(he checks the schedule again)

“I am here to escort you to the ball!”

No, there is no ball to get exorted to!.

Perplexed, he pulls out his Fairy phone…There’s
lots of mumbling, then the Fairy goes outside…

“Can you hear me now!?”

“Correct! Job number 08000795!”

“What…right! Got it! Thanks!”

He’s coming back inside now…

“Have you lost a tooth!?”

Yeth thir!.

Well done! Here’s !.75¢


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I laughed! It's so cute!. You have a great imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This was nice!. I was thinking of a fairy tale challenge of some sort after the last thing I wrote--though I also liked the "here is my first poem and here it is with rewrite thing"

Great ending on this one!.

It was hard not to think of this much darker tooth fairy poem though:


Can you hear me NOW!? *turns, counts people behind her*
" Uh, that 75 cents ain't gonna cover THIS crowd!"

Great to have a poem that makes you laugh in the morning!
This is one of your better ones! Lil rearranging, meter, internal rythme(infernal rythme) and voila!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man!.!.!.!. We only got a qwater fo' front teef!.!.!.!.an' a nickel fer bottoms!. they ain't werth nuthin'!
New generation under a buck was unheard of!
May I ask you sir, the price if Ivory!.!.!.!.
Is it more than petrol these days!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The fathoming out of these cryptic poems is, to use a local phrase - doin' me 'ead in!.

Mm, yes I know what that bit means, and that bit - not sure about that bit, yes - the number, got that bit!.!.!.!.teeth reference -nope!.
Hope all is calm, now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people can multitask all day long and still find time to write poetry in-between!. Job number 08000795 is worth no more than !.25, or maybe even less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank God for the telly when the senior moments appear!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I like this one!.
It's quite unique!.
Nice work:)Www@QuestionHome@Com