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Position:Home>Poetry> It's not over. Part 11. How can I make it better?

Question: It's not over!. Part 11!. How can I make it better!?
Road to Paradise part XI

Offended that their
attacks no longer
reached me,
Jealousy and Spite
left the road!.

I let go of Pain
and felt once more
at peace,
though the flames
of his touch
seared the wounds!.

"Does this road
truly lead
to Paradise!?"
I finally asked no one!.
"And how long
must we journey
to get there!?"
"You'll find this
is the next step!."
a voice with a smile!.
I stretched out a hand--
an invisible wall!.

"Who are you!?"
I inquired
of the smiling old man,
who leant on his cane!.
"Oh, I'm the gatekeeper
of the realm of Old Age!."

I protested,
and he smiled again!.
"Age is not age
of body, but soul!.
Many pass through,
some never do,
and children sometimes
are born here!.
This gate, my child,
you cannot avoid!."

I turned to Pain,
my companion I hated!.
"I am afraid!."
I whispered!.
He nodded gravely,
statue features cracking!.
"Take my hand!."
he said, offering it!.

This time his touch
did not burn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I started commenting with jocularity!. Now I am devastated from both the sadness and beauty of this internal epic!. I think I saw this coming and used the humor to hide it from myself!. I do that sometimes!. This series is one of the best poems I have ever read in my life!. You do that sometimes!.



I just read the whole series after stumbling on part 11 here!. What a gift you have - amazing, amazing!.

I'm keeping an eye on this - I am really wanting to see more!.!.!.!.

Thank you for sharing your gift with us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

And here I thought part 10 was the end!. You're just full of surprises!. I can't wait to see what is on the other side of the gate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honey don't you have anything better to do than waste your time on the computer/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fooling us into thinking 10 ends the tale!? 11 though does carry on quite well!Www@QuestionHome@Com

And through pain, we are made wise!.!.!. experience!. If all we had was happy feelings we may never reach this gateway!.!.!.
That is only what I see!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com