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Question: Good Haiku!?
Tell me if this is okay!.!.!. like, is it in correct Haiku form!? My friends worry that it isn't enough about nature!.!.!. as Haiku usually are!.

Times fly by so fast!.
A world flipped upside down
Is my last resort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
imagine you are taking a snapshot

what does the time look like as it's flying by fast
what happens to the wind
how thes the world flip upside down
why is it your last resort!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want to write about nature, then how is this about nature!? At first I thought you were talking about a bug, but with the last line, it got confusing!. Line 2 A-world-flipped-up-side-down there are only 6 syllables, it should be 7
Maybe the 3rd line could be a dying bee or an insect!. See where I'm going with it!? Try Again!

Here's an example:

Floa-ting - in - the - breeze
Up - a-bove -fly-ing - so - high
pret-ty - but-ter-flyWww@QuestionHome@Com

its good but i thought haiku's are supposed to be 5 syllables then 7 syllables then 5syllable again!? um ur second line,"A world flipped upside down" is only 6 syllables but ok!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need another syllable in the second line!.
I think it's ok!.

yah that is really good!. wish i could write like thatWww@QuestionHome@Com