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Position:Home>Poetry> A piece of prose, a story, a dream, a memory, What?

Question: A piece of prose, a story, a dream, a memory, What!?
The rain soaked page of a newspaper managed to tumble
Its way along a rain mirrored pavement, reflecting the
the labored light from gas mantled streetlights!.
Standing in regimented order along side tarred road,
their short arms stretched out like schoolboys ready for
some gym exercise, no, not school boys, but Wurzell Gummages frightening away the night!.

A cat meowed in the distance; its cry was that of plaintivness,
and a woman’s voice called in answer, “Tiddles, here kitty”!.
Apart from the newspaper, still trying to overcome its rain
sodden weight, and tumble till some obstruction barred its way
the street was empty!. The gas lamps hissed and painted the street with lamp lit sadness which was somehow comforting!.

I found myself standing outside a house, which was identical to all the other houses in the road!. It was my old home where for
twenty-five years I had lived in complete happiness!.

The front room light was on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A memory of happy times long gone from the sound I hear when reading!. Poetry!? Prose!? I can't say, for it has qualities of each, and good qualities they certainly are!. I see happiness throughout, then at the end, I see that it is only a memory of happiness that is replaced by the darkness lit only by the gas streetlights, and the loneliness that accompanies darkness!. Love it, sir Bard!. Write on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com