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Question: Why men are better than women!?
Why men are better than women!?

So much to do that went undone
A woman’s work is just no fun
I had the breakfast to prepare
Wash his dirty underware
Wash the kids and get them dressed
Off to school, looking their best

Then to work, but first en route
pay some bills, help some old coot
across the road!. Now don’t forget
The dog is due in at the vet!.
Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work!.
All he ever does is shirk!

Get the groceries, make the tea!.
Try to look my best for HE!
All these things that went undone
a lesser gender may try self-harm
I just slept in, it’s all HIS fault,
And I only ask him to set the alarm!

Danny ReynoldsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well done Danny Reynolds, you have shown yourself to be both talented and WISE!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is an unjust world in any culture for women!. Contrary to popular perception, it is the women who are the providers of the family and the society!. Men, just do some specialised job like giving the seed for species to be embedded in the womb of women!. It is women, who grow the seed, transplant it on the earth, nurse the baby, grow and send them out into the world!. It is a really hard world!. But, take pity on men!. If they were to do all these works, the entire world and life will come to a stand-still!. I am sure this will be the plight of women till the end of the creation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't help but detect a bit of sarcasm in this!. Though it could be due to a faulty interpretation!. Perhaps clarifying the last lines in the last stanza might help!. Is it the man that did all of the work that the woman was supposed to do, but ended up sleeping in instead, because the alarm didn't go off!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow you are raising the level of womanhood!?Lol
are you working for some NGO!?
If not join!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!.

Nice work:)Www@QuestionHome@Com