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Position:Home>Poetry> Im doing a poem for school and i need some help any syggestions?

Question: Im doing a poem for school and i need some help any syggestions!?
you have to compare youself to something, i chose a dog!. Im a boy, athletic, lazy, yeah so just give a couple of ideas!. heres the poem so far:

I am like a dog, I am loyal and a good friend
I like to laze around and I eat just about anything
I have bursts of energy and I am a good runnerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How about something like this:

(Your name) Me
A Dog
I'm loyal and a good buddy!.
What else!?
I laze around, just like my dog when he's muddy!.
How do you get so dirty!?
Just like my four legged buddy, I play
then I lay
Untill i'm hungry, and there nothing to chew
I'm Brave like my dog

and it does not matter if you don't have a dog, it's all imagination!.!.!. poetry doesn't have to be true, it has to be creative

and then use your imagination::::: hope that gives you some inspiration, i's not that good but i'm sure you could make some improvements and make it sound good,plus its something different!

Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Bravo! This is a great poem!.
I would suggest doing what you feel, as poems are often times about what you personally feel or what the character within them feels!. I like how you compare to a dog, try and bring that sort of thing further and talk about comparisons, that always helps people put things into perspective and see the truth behind a poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am like a dog, I am loyal and a good friend
I always want to find something to mend,
I like to laze around and I eat just about anything
I like to run around in a ring
I have bursts of energy and I am a good runner
but i think swimming is funner!.!.!.

Wow i did not know i had it in me!.
LAME but i hope you enjoy!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lazy Me-yahoo mail person

Oh doggy Oh doggy compare me to you
we have the same talents like eating or to snooze!.

We like to eat garbage and some fruits or two just keep sugar down or I'll beat you!.

You know we're the same just admit it for now your just a doggy which is better some how!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats nota poem its three bad sentences!. Try to make a simple rhyming poem!. Try to follow this rhyming pattern: Each letter represents a line and matching lines rhyme!. If you can make each line have the same amount of syllables that would be good too!.
ABAB CDCD EFEF GGWww@QuestionHome@Com

don't u have 2 do a rhyme scheme or something like

i had 2 write poems A LOT last tri!! lol!. but yah, u should compare urself 2 a hippo, cuz hippo's r cool!! lol!. they r soo adorable!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

dogs love to play, and they feel very proud when you pet them or reward them (giving treats!.) they also LOVE to snuggle with their owners!. dogs also like to go on walks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow thats hard, there arent that many things that relate to dogs!. maybe "loving"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com