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Position:Home>Poetry> Can you tell what it is about?

Question: Can you tell what it is about!?
They rode strong upon the wind
A wave of fire in their eyes
But towards the setting moon they gave
A fist to means of mire
A mirrored glance into the deep
And out from thence
The darker seek
To twist their hearts and wrench their will
But further in
They venture still
As ocean gods sought to restore
Their order to these mortal masts
The sailors found an ally odd
And faster still her power brought
Aboard the deck
She gave a wail
And sent wind upon the sail
Moving them far faster yet
And through the gates of hell
She sang her song and skies stood by
To watch in wonder at her cry
when all the men began to fail
She silenced her reply
So they pushed through the barrier
And broke again to calmer seas
But when it was through they barred her way
And sought themselves be pleased
She was torn by those she helped
And ran away into the sun
A goddess’ gift to mortal men
Was twisted into passions fun
Now she turns from mans embrace
Unto another with her heartWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is beautiful and about siren's, as ever!. I love the last four lines, they are completely beautiful!. So, will you turn unto me with your heart and sing your songs for my ears alone!. I promise you, I will not suffer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds as if you have encountered a "Fury" - she got a little upset with these guys - poem went well until the last two lines - methinks should be more dramatic for a "woman scorned"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It reminds me somewhat of the story of Jason and the Argonauts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow!.!.!. that's so deep, it's unfathomable!. I have no idea, but I still love it!. Impressive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have sailors dealt with you inappropriately!? Sounds like they were brutes!.!.!. no worries, I am tired as well!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow is my only first words as that is so fantastically Divine and just so beautiful!.Every time i read your poetry it's get's better but that's really hard as your so great already!.I was thinking maybe they run into a big storm and they were in total despair and thinking that was the end as the water was choppier than ever before!.Thru their praying and keeping the faith a sea goddess came and helped guide them to shore!.Well done again Siren!.!.!.Cami!.Www@QuestionHome@Com