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Position:Home>Poetry> Does female fury frighten you?

Question: Does female fury frighten you!?

Hell hath no fury
More than the love, that was scorned
A man
Who did not see the beauty
Sight concealed
By perceptions of the world
Making the pompous reason
For woman’s wrath
They parade
While women morn their broken hearts
They cry their eulogy
Man does not see their tears
The one that does
He will not care
Fear of rejection
Creates the monster
Of hells ever opening mouth
The broken heart will cut its lost lover
And there will be no sorrow

Save the longing for what could have beenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It would if I ever lost my temper as I did when taunted by a woman at my beloveds grave side!. "Lesbians!? NOYOURELESSTHANNOTHING"
I had been overseas and returned to learn that Gwenneth had died and been buried by her relatives in their church's cemetery!. The stone bore the words "UNKNOWN TO GOD"
I wanted to kill the woman and could have done so easily
I do not know what stopped me!.
Rose P!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, my own fury frightens me sometimes!. But there is so much more here than just that; this is a poignant work , as encapsulated in the final bittersweet line!. What sensitive and provocative truth there is in the lines "Fear of rejection!.!.!.Creates the monster" and "Sight concealed!.!.!.By perceptions of the world"!. This speaks dynamically of personal experience!. I truly love this work!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We cannot hide our emotions, neither should we be forced to!. I feel your fury against the earth!. But, Ifny, you cannot hold on to rage forever!. Vael would have wanted you to forgive, she forgave the Earth and the gods before she died, she forgave me for everything that I did, and everything that you did!. It was what defined her, what I hope to make define me!. There will be sorrow, accept it, embrace it, forgive yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is this what you are feeling after Vaels death!? Or did you write this before it happened!?

It is a wonderful look into the female Psyche and its potential!.!.!. men would not understand!.!.!. that is, save Rouxe, but he is a woman at heart!.!.!.

It is strength to hold it in!.!.!. it is immature to let it rule you but it is natural to have these feelings of betrayal!.!.!. just don't let it get to you!.

P!.S!. I saw your updated profile!.!.!. it scares me more than this!.!.!. I hope you are doing better, though I know it is harder every day!.!.!.

Hang in their, we will always be ready to talk should you need it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope!. it does not frighten me!. it just makes me walk away, since anyone who cannot control their fury is immature!. women and men included!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hell Ya it does!.!.!. mostly when it is directed at myself!. You should see Eva when she's pissed!.!.!.!.!.!.!.*in a very seriouse manner, says, 'LOL'*Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like furry women!.!.!.
I think women should just ignore their emotions like us men!.Www@QuestionHome@Com