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Position:Home>Poetry> This is my first time writing a love poem :S?

Question: This is my first time writing a love poem :S!?
How do you start off writing a love poem!?

I have already decided the 'message' of my love poem!. But I'm not sure how to start it off!.

My love poem that I want to start it off is simply!.!.!.

First Stanza: How beautiful she is, what it was that made me love sick, etc

Second Stanza: Explaining why I couldn't make the first move towards her, feeling as if she always belonged to someone else, how I need her help, etc!.

Third Stanza: My conclusion states that I should move on and etc!.

Not sure how to start it off, I simply worked backwards!

Here's my third stanza

Truth may say it could be too late
So catch me if you can
Only if you wish to dare
So take care of yourself while I'm gone
So that maybe when I come back
I'll tell you how I truly feel about you

How was that!? Even though that was my last stanza, was it good at all!?

When I tried to start off my poem, I wasn't sure if it was good or not, so I'll share what I tried to start off

(TO BE CONTINUED)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well!.!.!. you might try focusing a bit!. If you don't use imagery, your poem could turn out rambly!.

You said you wanted to describe what made you lovesick!. Well, what did!? Eyes!? Hair!? Wit!? Describe these in poetic language; extend them into metaphor, or introduce a symbol that can stand throughout!.

This will hopefully help you get started!. Let us know when it's finished! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you intend to use this as your third stanza!? that means, the pattern I see here was followed in the previous two!.!.yes!?!?

That means, six lines to the stanza and not any two of them will rhyme!.!.correct!?

I would have established a rhyme pattern of some form - even if it is a weak pattern!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say it now
i say it again
you are there
while i am here
alone in the dark
where i used 2 lark
but now you have come to save me
and your love is what i need to beWww@QuestionHome@Com

try instead if this in the first line say it, sounds a little better to meWww@QuestionHome@Com