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Position:Home>Poetry> ALL RIGHT! FINE! I CAVE! Will you help me improve this?

Question: ALL RIGHT! FINE! I CAVE! Will you help me improve this!?

I have never
to be perfect,
but this
is not about

To branch out
is to grow,
and believing!.
I am only
the limits
of my pressures
on confinement!.

I am only
what you see,
what you create!.
The mind's eye
that peers deep

is not me,
but my
and perception!.
The poet
will ever be

but will always
to hearth fires
for the soul
is anchored
in the body!.

And I
am a creature
of comfort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:


It is nice that you try but your quandary is that people can read you wrong even though it is not you!. But as any soul who ventures forth their must be an anchor, a resting place to replenish!. You threw me with the twist at the end, which was refreshingly honest!. My critique would be to make it more esoteric at the beginning to draw them into your comments!. This easily stands on its own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As is well evident to the return to your origins!.!.!.

Do you see!? You HAVE already been to the mountain, and others here, before you went back to Eva as she was, told you that you had never lost what you were searching for!.!.!.

The thing is, if you stop searching, that is when you will lose it!.

Blessed Be, Siren Unchained!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hahaha! you can wave your hand and do anything!
and i see you sitting happily in a chair with that new cat!. lol
i really like the third line because thats the one that can trick you!.
my arms didnt make very good wings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NO I WILL NOT ! It's perfect! It's from you!. You can always go back later and change it!. I change things I write!. This took six months!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is the most confusing acrostic I ever read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not a great critique!. I see nothing wrong with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess I'm not much of a critic; it looks perfect to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com