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Position:Home>Poetry> One, not acrostic. Will you take a look?

Question: One, not acrostic!. Will you take a look!?

When will you return from the world!.
Are your eyes too jaded to see
the beauty that encompasses
the night and daytime within me!?

Are your eyes too jaded to see
the heart sworn to be yours alone!?
For your return from the mountain
I waited and longed without sleep!.

The beauty that encompasses
will not be found on great heights!.
The sorrow of the valley will
will surely fade in love's true light!.

The night and daytime within me
will be all to suffice your needs!.
When you return from your journey
You'll find what you had never lost!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I sense you were trying something new in style!. On a journey of your own so to speak!. This poem is nice, but to quote you in your words, "When you return from your journey, you'll find what you had never lost!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was searching on my journey
Unknowing of what to look for
I continued on my journey
When my search ended

I was searching on my journey
looking everywhere for something
only to come up with nothing
feeling hollow as the time passed

Unknowing of what to look for
wondering aimlessly in search
of!.!.!.!.!.life!.!.!.!.meaning!.!.!.!.or an answer
and still I went forth cluelessly

I continued on my journey
questioning my own intentions
asking why I even began
and then it all became so clear

When my search ended
my eyes were finally opened
and the reason for this journey
was so that I can find myselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that this is a great poem!. I'm a bit confused bout something though!. You used some repetition but not in all stanzas like you used "are your eyes too jaded to see" and then "the beauty that encompasses" in just 2 of the stanzas!. Nothing wrong with that, just wondering if it was intentionalWww@QuestionHome@Com

I will answer, though I expect Semper Fi Reborn to receive the best!.!.!. as he deserves!.!.!.

You have already been to the mountain in so many ways
We hoped to gain from your return
but all you wanted
was to return

They poked and prodded when you came back
asked and tortured you
to reveal your secret gained from there
but all you wanted was
to be back

This is what I see in you!.!.!. I hope that I do not poke and prod, I would never want to drive you away!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the mountain has a thousand journeys if not a lifetime, and
you are who and what you are no matter where you go!.
loyalty might come with morals,
but true love just doesnt need it!.
i hope he just went to the store!.!.!.lol

but really, i think its great because
youre telling him what he could lose!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is exquisite!. I wish that someone loved me the way you love your someone!. And I wish I could write as well as you!. I don't see a problem here with form constricting creative expression!. You can retourne me to this form for a good while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The bluebird of happiness lives in one's own back yard!. A beautiful way to express that idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can I be critical this time!? You are beating the same drum!.!.!.not with the message, but with the form!. I would like to see more short pieces with irregular lines and stanzas!.!.!.just my opinion!.!.!.!.TDWww@QuestionHome@Com