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Position:Home>Poetry> Acrostics seem to be the order of the day. Is this one all right?

Question: Acrostics seem to be the order of the day!. Is this one all right!?
Igniting my desire for the
new, the unfading, the delightful
spirit of the place and time!.
Purpose kindles a fire, sparking the
inanities of life,
reaching across time
altering the crippled genius and
taking it to unknown levels!.
Intrinsic becomings of an
other world inside my mind,
never regretting the consequence!.

Detrimental, maybe,
another worry for another day!.
Now is the time to glory in
creation; for time is

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"There's Hope"

Outstretched, she
Patiently waits,
Evadne!.!.!. Let's Dance!.

You not only touch the lives of many, you inspire daily!. You dare to pursue your passion, and for that I /we are grateful!.
Thank you for the dance!.


You have created
One picture after another
Using many different styles

Now, I can see you're a true poet
Again and again doing it with ease
I get excited reading your stuff
Let me have another
Evadne, you make it look easy
Day in and day out

Inspiration Dance
Tell me, are others invited!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look at all the eyes and ears
On your window sill
Validating, with a glance
Evadne stands so tall

I surrendered all my mind
Slept withing the words

Painting pictures in my thought
Again I know why you are mine
In some small way I wish
Never to be apart from you

The pain of power is, to be alone!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that first line is so essence!.
i repeated it over and over, and it still goes pow!

we'd better find out if time is vanishing, or appearing!.!.
maybe its meaningless too!.!.
except for a clock to think i can make a routine!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Let's not make it an acrostic challenge, I don't know if I have another left in me!. But who knows what wonders a short nap can work!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is very well done!. You throwing the gaunlet down!?Www@QuestionHome@Com