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Question: Help with Poem PLEASE =D!!?
My name is Jacky Nao
In grade eleven I am now,
I got here, but I don’t know how
but its amazing, its like WOW

Being Jacky I tend to fail a lot
the reason to it!?
well I forgot
maybe its just how I learned
put bills in coin slots, but they wont turn

I got owned while riding a bike
but no excuses,
I cant even fly a kite
you say I’m pretty tall
but I cant spike,
Why play baseball,
Only to get a strike

But before I go, I have to say,
I really hope that I didn’t fail today!.

Sorry if its bad, but try to get a laugh ^_^!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like it! It's not the most amazing piece of art I've ever seen, but it's good!. I especially like how you made it into your own free verse of a poem, and not a generic format which tends to be over rated!. Great job, and I hope you continue to create more poems for people in general to read! Good luck to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was cute ,I did like it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com