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Position:Home>Poetry> Ok improved poem! still a bit rough! honest opinion!?

Question: Ok improved poem! still a bit rough! honest opinion!!?
By Georgia Hammond

As I was walking down a dark and half-deserted street
Suddenly from behind came a cry so sad and sweet
I stopped; the cry, it came again, more clear and much more blue
I spun around and followed it, the cry of sorrow grew
I turned into an ally and dark crimson hit my eye
The cry so sad came from a bird that looked about to die
Perhaps it was a sparrow or perhaps it was a wren
You could not tell, far too much blood, the bird it cried again
The cry: it ran through me like pain, my hair stood on an end
Cold tears ran slowly down my cheeks, the bird felt like a friend
I met its eyes, so black and cold, it just wanted to die
It just wanted the pain to end, to fly above the sky
Inside my pocket I felt it, the cool and metal knife
Slowly I drew the cruel thing out to bring the bird new life
I held it far above the bird but my hands would not swing
Into the reddened body of the poor and dieing thing
I just could not and so I ran, tears now flowing fastWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It sounds more like a story!. But I still like it, gives me some good imagery of the alley and the bird!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow!. That was very, VERY good!

Just make sure the beat keeps up and it works!. It seemed a tad rough at places!.

But overall!.!.!.just WOW!. AWSEOME!.

Write on :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is great,
if you still feel its rough just keep going over it and change it until you are happy, great job!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Over sentimentality, wallowing in self pity, shallow imagery, emotions that repulse the reader!.

The only saving grace to the poem is that you didn't kill the dying bird!. I don't think I could stand a poem about euthanasia!.

Part of the problem you have is that you just haven't lived long enough to work out to more authentic emotions and knowing what your limits are!.

Don't give up!. But do work on getting rid of the need to be the center of the poem!.

There are a few things you probably shouldn't write about until you become more mature: yourself, love, sex, strong emotions, and beliefs!.

Try to ground your poems on reality, facts, what is seen, heard, or touched, instead of what sounds like a cute or dramatic thing to say!. Be careful with your feelings as you are their puppet still and not in control of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com