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Position:Home>Poetry> What is the poem "With Rue My Heart is Laden" by A.E. Housman really a

Question: What is the poem "With Rue My Heart is Laden" by A!.E!. Housman really about!? What does is mean!?
I don't do so well with interpreting poetry and I don't understand what this peom is talking about!. Can anyone help me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First you need to understand that "rue" is more than just sorrow; "rue" means "sorrow associated with regret or guilt"!. Secondly, you need to understand the timeframe the poem was written in!.!.!.in this case, probably around 1896, six years into the beginning of WWI!. The golden friends he had were dead and buried by "brooks too broad for leaping"!.!.!.which could be a metaphor for the trenches used in WWI, or it could represent time itself!. The "fields where roses fade" are graveyards, so both the youthful boys and girls he knew had died and he rued their passing!.!.!.perhaps because he still lived and they did not, and he, therefore, was the one left behind to grieve their loss!.

that would be my cut on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rue means regret!. So, I guess the poem is about a love affair that did not work out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com