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Position:Home>Poetry> A random acrostic. Are you interested?

Question: A random acrostic!. Are you interested!?
Crying tears of
hopeful youth;
inside there shines a
nebulous, radiant light
across a smile!.

Don't take this at face value,
otherwise you'll become
like all the rest in
lingering death!.!.!.

squandering age in an
effort to forget their youth!.
Caution, a word to the wise,
regrets are for death, not living,
even though they seem necessary,
they will perish with the rest!.
So cling to memory of childish tears!.!.!.and china dolls

Author's Note: Inspired by http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index!?!.!.!.

Honor to where honor is due!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Squandered youth is a detraction
As in a fervent supposition
In enigmatic things and in animation
A free occasionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Always flattered when able to inspire!.!.!. This was one of the most beautiful today!.!.!. just trying to return the gesture!.

I am sitting, in a lonely hall of silent queries, awaiting all that I can see but nothing seems to be coming through
then I came upon this and everything aligned
Perhaps it is nothing but some random strand of dust in the ever fast arena of energy surrounds
If something more were to spring from such
then who are we to argue!?

Jut thought I would give inspiration where it is due!.!.!.

Blessed BeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's fine, but honestly, it's not my cup of tchai!.Www@QuestionHome@Com