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Position:Home>Poetry> Would you give me some words, I am running out?

Question: Would you give me some words, I am running out!?
I have found myself at a loss fo wrds, quite literaly, when it comes to my poetry!. Could you give me some interesting options, preferably a list in order of words that rhyme!.!.!. and I am looking for things that are esthetically pleasing!.!.!. if you wanted to throw in some spattered definitions, that would be swell!.!.!. I am thking you all in advance and sorry for my spelling!.!.!. computer is tweeeeking!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are looking for words that rhythm then this may be a site you will find interest in!.

If you are looking for words to unblock yourself, then might I suggest that you purchase a Thesaurus as well as a dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms!.

Do not know what you are working on but I have found these as wonderful tools in my search and use of words in my poetic and literary writing!.

Good luck,

PS: Know all about the temperament of computers, hence the main reason all my originals are still written in hand!. Pen, paper and candles are wondrous things when the power fails!.

Chiaroscuro, politburo,
put 'em in a pot!.
Arabesque, statuesque,
Stir it up a lot!.
Villanelle, citadel,
Serve it nice and hot!.
Ars Poetica, cheese Helvetica,
Great poet I am not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we helped you with your words!.!.!.it would cease to be YOUR poetry!.

Look up 'spine'

also, it is far, far more important to spell correctly ,than to write poetry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

aesthetically - you know what it means, you just can't spell itWww@QuestionHome@Com

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