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Position:Home>Poetry> Have you ever felt like an old forgotten book?

Question: Have you ever felt like an old forgotten book!?
There are times in my life when I think that there is no place
like home!.
Then something happens within myself, which makes me
want to roam!.
To get of this feather bed of a life in which for so long I have
cocooned myself,
To shake off this feeling of some forgotten book which
has been left on the shelf!.
All the while gathering fine dust and silken cobwebs from
many years unread!.
There is a yearning deep within the hidden me, which longs
for country lanes to tread!.
To feel the wind at my back, sending my hoary hair awry,
and to whistle like the birds!.
To shout my hello’s to the world as I pass by, or to take my
rest near browsing herds!.
Oh to be rid of this feeling of unworth, to have the health
and strength of my youth!.
But it is just the fancies of this old man, a dream that
his children, one day may know in truth;

that he was young, like them, a long, long time ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is both sad and beautiful at the same time !. I am young but I understand the feeling perfectly !. I look forward to reading more from you :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Robert Frost, Walt Whitman, Robert Harrison: three master poets!. We need the first 100 years or so to find our place in the world and the next few hundred years to live in it!. Instead, we are Mayflies!. I would tread those lanes with you, were it at all possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very nice words and sentiments!. My only critique would be excess words like why do you need "myself" after cocooned!?, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, that is absolutely beautiful!.
I find myself more and more thinking that way with my children!.
Very nice work:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am fanciful every once in a while!.!.!.you expressed it beautifully, as always!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People have tried to put me on a shelf
But I've fought them off all by myself!.
I see a great world out there waiting for me
It's mine for the taking (and what's more it's free)!.
I love other people, I respect what they say
But I've conformed for too long, now it's my turn to say!.!.!.
"Here I AM world!. I'm going to have fun!.
At last, oh, at last it's my turn in the sun"

Jill aged 64 and three quarters, bent on being as eccentric as I can be the older I get!.

Beautiful poem, so melancholic!. No one who can express things as you do could ever be unworthy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes there was a time, a long while ago, when for a short while I felt like I was dusty old forgotten book!.

Then one morning I woke up, I saw myself in the reflection of the mirror, sitting way up high on the top shelf all covered in dust, feeling sorry and wondering why!.

Then all of a sudden it occurred to me that if I were to jump of the shelf and dust my self of and give myself a bright new cover, Perhaps I would be giving my self a chance to be read by a new set of people!. I discovered that I was an interesting and lovable old book after all!.

But to my amazement, those that left me on the shelf way up high, have since come back to read again!.

Now they are grown and experienced from life they can read this book again with a better understanding!.

Like an old book we have a lot between our covers!.

Just shake the dust off and see for your self!.

Cheers And may God Bless YOU!.Www@QuestionHome@Com