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Question: Poet who writes teenage poems!?
do you know any good poets who write teenage or kid or humorous poems!? thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not quite sure that this is what you're looking for, but Billy Collins is an excellent poet, noted for his humor and accessible poetry!. He has a few books out, "The Trouble with Poetry" is one that I particularly enjoyed!. Here is some info on him, maybe this will lead you to other poets as well!. Good luck either way!


i am a teen and i write
here are some of mine:
I fake a smile and laugh
around my friends
but behind those walls in my room
!.!.!.I cry and try not to let anyone hear
my friends say what's wrong I say nothing
but it's all a lie
I am broken
broken on the inside because he isn't mime

I miss how it use to be
We could talk for hours
About anything and everything
I miss those old days
Of you coming over
Or me going to your house
Oh how I miss those days
We had a ball and got close
So close and fast
We went from strangers to friends in a month
I wish I could go back
Back to that time when we could talk
About anything and everything
I know it’s only a wish
But wishes do come true
Don’t they!?
And tonight I pray to god
That somehow we can get back to that
To those old days
Of you coming over
Or me going to your house
And talking like we use too

When I truly listen to my heart
It says I love you
But then…then…
My brain says no…you can’t
But I feel SO much for you
Some say love, others say a crush
I say I care for you
I have never been your girlfriend
Just a friend to you
But I want you, need you
Each year my feelings…
They grow and become stronger
They drive me insane
How I wish I knew what it all means!?
All the feelings for you
And I wish I knew what this is I am feeling!?
Yes there is more fish in the sea
But it’s only you…
Only you I want and see
Yeah their a lot of OTHER boys around
But the more I spend time with them
The more I want you

my blue skies are gone
they left with you
everyone says to move on
when you and I were friends/hung out
the skies were bluer (in a good way)
the air was better
!.!.!.heck life was betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

me check out my questions and you'll find a lot of poems!. maybe you'll relate!.!.!.maybe not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com