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Position:Home>Poetry> What does Shakespeare's 15 sonnet mean?

Question: What does Shakespeare's 15 sonnet mean!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
--? Shakespeare`s 15 sonnet is about Time and love!. He basically says that every living thing is only perfect for a short amount of time and the universe is controlled by the stars!. Men grow and improve over time but they are also held back!. Once they reach the peak of their life where they can`t improve anymore, they decline!. Then, Shakespeare thinks of this woman, who is rich in youth!. Time and Decay debates about how to destroy her youth and convert it to old age and night!. Out of Shakespeare`s love for the woman, he wages war against Time: As Time takes away her youth, Shakespeare continually recreates her in these poems!.

Hope I helped!. (:

xoxo Nikki?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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