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Question: Write me a poem!?!?!?!?
cheer me up!? make me cry!? best answer in thirty minutes as of 9:15 eastern time gets ten points so get cracken!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
sam L
this poem's for you
i clicked on your question
and thought it had to be about you
but it didn't have to necessarily

it was to be about anything
anything that i desire
but all i can think about
is to write this poem
to get 10 points

10 points
is a lot
why i can heighten my lead
up the yahoo answers lead board

and since your question
put the thought into my head
i'm going to write a poem about you
sam L anyway

so what can i say
about the girl who may give me 10 points
or not
all i can say
is that your avatar shows someone
with brown long wavy hair
fair skin
wearing glasses-that i definitely like about you
cos you see my avatar has glasses too
and glasses people
look smart
and poets
are smart anyway

i know it sounds as if i'm greasing up to you
but i'm not
or maybe i am

if you really have wavy hair
in real life
what a lucky girl you are
for my hair is quite straight
not as great

i don't think this poem
will make you cry
but it will cheer you up
because it's all about you
and as i write
the first thing that comes to mind
time's a ticking
and i don't even know the eastern time
so here's hoping
that this poem that doesn't rhyme
will just be enough to convince you

you are a good poet
of that i can see
compared to the amateurs
on here that i've read
who are probably just starting out
and are blossoming as they practice
and we give them advice

your poem 'complete without you'
it sounds so true
sounds like a relationship
sounds very familiar
that we have a connection with

a late apology
sounds very interesting
probably intriguing
may read that in a bit
just to see if it's good
as you have stated

well here's the last stanza
to my crazy poem about you
here's hoping the 10 points
will come from you
to me
hope you enjoyed
and were thorougly entertained :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the way you smile and laugh
Even when you smell and pass gas
I love the tears you shed when your down
You make this face that beats laughing at clowns
I love writing this poem cause it got us in bed
30 minutes later we'll be back at it again
I love to see you laugh, even when your mad
So make this the best answer cause that's what I said
I love how bad this poem came out
Don't you agree, now it's Friday!.!.!. go out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The fade up is in make-up
Its like soda pop, i shake up
Popping, oozing and fizzing
The ups seem to keep coming

Then the downs, they twirl cakes!.
Like the wind, who shake the rakes;
That wince the leaves and barks !.
The Down'd tree of ever never larks!.

For the sky, its is up and yet down;
Falling down like the drunk of a town!.
Falling up like a rocket to the moon!.
Ups are downs, downers up, at noon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First I was dying to finish high school and start college!.
And then I was dyoing to finish college and start working!.
And then I was dying to marry and have children!.
And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough so i could get back to my career!.
And then i was dying to retire!.And now i am dying !.!.!.!.
and suddenly realize that i forgot to live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your shoes your ugly shoes made me lose the race
with empy thoughts i stare into a sea of chalk
its four o' clock oh four o clock
and im fighting wiht whats on my plate in this plate
patti smith in my ears thin faces on the screen in the screen
im falling in the ground and out this scribbly sky
purple pencils, unused stencils on the floor in the floor
destored image in the mirror
i find myself on the floor on the floor
i cant take this any more
my bones are just so soreWww@QuestionHome@Com

About You

I look into your beautiful eyes but your voice is faint!.
You have the bad boy look but the heart and soul of a saint!.
What is it that makes you so special!? But in my heart I know!.
My friends say I don’t have a chance, but all I say is “So”!?
Even though I’m the quiet girl, who’s always surrounded by books
Don’t take these things for granted, in what you see in looks!.
Just take me into your arms, and let us both be free!.
We’ll sail away into the darkness alone, just you and me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

But then there is the army
Who never seems to rest
Never counting win or loss
considering we are best
known to all
both beast and man
not to stop
our vow that forever ran
our protectors and their hearts kept beating
no one ever gets the meaning
and the maid has never been cleaning
under your bed while you're gone!.
weeds will always grow
and hate shall purely show!.
As irony is always here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A dancer, a humanist, an analysis
Listening to the sounds of the outside world
Running from the responsibilities of life
Answering thoughts trapped inside my head
Lover stuck beneath a shield
Artist without a paintbrush
Thinker of things beyond life it’s self
Me, I am
A searcher, a learnerWww@QuestionHome@Com

I just had one that just won "The Editor's Choice Award" at poetry!.com for 2007!. "Untitled" or "A New Beginning"!. You can also go to www!.myspace!.com/deez61 and read that one as well!.
Need Proof !? Email me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish i was his again
I miss him
I want him back
I love Him
He hurt me!.!.
He wanted her
I still Have feelings

Poetry!.com is a scam !. I won too many awards on that site it is not funny!. All they want is your money !. Sorry, I thought I should warn you !.Www@QuestionHome@Com


hahahaha decided to write a kids poem i guess:/

Little Miss Annie won’t touch her plate-
She prefers to gripe instead!.
All she does is bellyache
about how much she hates bread!.

She picks at her plate
With eyes full of hate,
Letting out an annoying squeal!.
Her mom’s reprimanding
But she’s just demanding
an entirely different meal!.

“Bread,” her mom says, “is the food of the soul
Yet all you do is whine!?
You should be grateful for those rolls!.
I’ll explain in these next lines!.

Bread, you see, is made from wheat
that grows right from the ground!.
It’s natural, and if you eat,
Your health is safe and sound!.

Bread is as natural as the day
And its always completely nutritious,
And also, when made in the right way,
It’s amazingly delicious!

So you’ve sat here, you’ve whined, you’ve grumbled and boo-hooed,
But you really shouldn’t complain!.
You, little Annie, get the privilege of food!
And many can’t say the same!.”Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok so I cheated cause I wrote this a couple of weeks ago but I figured I would share it with you anyway !. !. !.

Impossible is nothing, believe the un-believable
Any motivated person can achieve the un-achievable
Take every step likes it’s your first, live every day like it’s your last
Look ahead to the future and leave the past in the past
It’s okay to make mistakes, they only make you smarter
Remember the good times when your life gets harder
Know what your limits are, but always strive to exceed them
Call upon your loved ones whenever you need them
Make sure you know what love is, don’t ever try to fake it
It’s just a waste of a good heart when you intentionally break it
Stand up, then fall down, to stand up once more
Knows there’s an open window next to every closed door
Knowledge is true power, and patience is a virtue
Time heals all wounds from whatever may hurt you
Whatever you do in life always aim for the fences
If you **** up a couple times accept the consequences
If we forget that were capable, be sure to remind us
The task’s never as great as the power behind us
You’ve only been made stronger by anything you can live through
Take these words seriously, it’s the best advice I can give youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nappy head nappy head eyes like a frog im gonna flip your @ss over and do you like a frog!.Www@QuestionHome@Com