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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like my breezy poem?

Question: Do you like my breezy poem!?
This is written at Grannyjill's request:

Just A Breeze

My Granny
wants me to flip
to get off the ground
and spiral away doing a marathon
twirl like a whirling dervish in action!.

My Granny
wants me to be a whirlwind
scattering my papers to the void
forgetting everything I have learned
during the long years of studying poetry!.

Sorry Granny,
I can’t do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why should you forget anything about writing poetry!!!!
You were doing just spectacular!.!.!.what you've learned is a building block for other ideas to mix and mingle!
If you forget your! style!.!.!.you begin sounding like others!.!.!.you won't be 'you' anymore!
Play 'building block'!.!.!.don't play 'forget'!!!!!!

Want MY advice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

But you just did!. This made me smile, then laugh - it is so light-hearted!. This would look brilliant too if typed like a Christmas Tree (you know from the middle outwards) - is that what it looks like on your page!?

Of course, you don't have to always throw all that hard-earned knowledge away - look at Picasso - he could reproduce most everything he saw perfectly, but he said 'To heck with this - I'm going to spiral away like a whirling dervish' - well that's what I imagined he said!.!.!.!.and look how he ended up!. !.!.!.well, yes I know he's dead!.!.!.but you know what I mean!.

I loved this!.!.!.!.now come back on my pieces and give me good advise as you always do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your breezy poem is great!. I love it and I do understand what the poem is saying!.

Someone 'wanting' us to be free to do certain things isn't necessarily what we want or can do!.
Conversely, rejection or not necessarily finding an approving audience, isn't a turn off for someone who loves to write!. Writing is a compulsion, it's who you are inside and how you write is like your signature!. You can educate it perhaps, but it's always you and your unique style!. Waxing free in a 'deverish' isn't a style lots of us can execute on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You must carry on with your poetry no matter what anyone says!.
For inspiration talk to trees and sit beneath their leafy bow
Sit awhile and ponder of who and what and why!.
See the beauty in a spiritual face
and never turn from the light of grace!.

Just made that up now so do not give up because so much inspiration comes from nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The idea of it and style are great!. But some of your word choice could be improved!. The first stanza is much better than the second!. Maybe adding a stanza between those two to connect them a little better would help people understand it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To breezy this
my words blown
forget decorum
I'm "a" voidingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Miracles you can manage to do now , the impossible might take a little longer!.


It is wonderfulWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I like your breezy poem!. You've learned poetry, now fly with it!. Oh, you already do!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sort of cute, but I don't really get it, sorry!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You go Elaine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only a New Yorker can rhyme void with loined!.!.!.heheheWww@QuestionHome@Com

You dood it! See!? Nudges can sometime be good!
(A-voiding my footnote!)Www@QuestionHome@Com