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Position:Home>Poetry> Does anyone know any two poems that have one one theme?

Question: Does anyone know any two poems that have one one theme!?
any if ok with meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most of my poems have a dark theme, straight from my soul & heart!. I have been through alot in my short life!. I lost my best friend, & a brother!. I gained step-family, & then lost them!. I have delt with abuise, & alot of other things!. Check out my poems at http://poetrypoem!.com/cgi-bin/index!.pl!?s!.!.!. & feel free to comment!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you asking for any two poems that have one theme!? Or are you only wanting to know a specific theme that generally has to do with poetry!? I guess I will try my best to answer the second question I have just asked, at your request!. Poetry is so wide and vast to have one theme in general!. Many poetry though is tied into the facts of emotion; love, life, abuse, society, etc!. it all depend on the certain emotions the poet is feeling!. I think that poetry is to widely known to have one specific theme, but good luck trying to find one theme that sums the whole poetry unit up in one word!.Www@QuestionHome@Com