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Question: Are malls concrete!?
A vision needing comments!.

Concrete Mall

Visions of forms, moving through
Mouths ajar, no sounds emit!.
Just the drone… congregate tones!.

Floors move…bones carry
Everything motion…yet frozen
Repetition of numbers

How strange, this scene before
to be a part…yet removed!.
Looking, grasping, wanting!?

A brush of painter’s touch
to souls adrift…color
in this concrete mallWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A very mysterious painting of a place familiar to everyone!. Reminds me of Stephen King's "The Langoliers!." Nicely done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, this is like a dream-scape - with images appearing and disappearing - my worst nightmare, stuck with ghost-like people in a mall!.!.!.!.ugh!.
- I don't think you can say 'congregate tones' and have it actually convey any sense

Is it a shortening of 'congregation of tones'!?
or 'it congregates tones'!.!.!.ie - the drone congregages tones
(obviously, if you are happy with it, so be it - it is just a thought)

I think you could get away with 'a painter's touch'

Very surreal - I like this a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I worked in the basement of a mall for a couple of years!. Every morning I got off the subway at one end at walked through the mall, stores still closed, to my destination at the other end!. I passed the same blank faces every morning, the mall-walkers and others heading into work--they all looked like mannequins, automatons, mechanical and soulless entities in an equally soulless place!. Thanks for reminding me that I never want to return to that life!. (And think, some people hang out there by choice!)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First I like it and it paints a picture, not a pretty one!. Alobar is right about the way people look in the malls, almost like being in the movie "night of the living dead"!. The dead walk the malls as they did when they were alive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Am so thankful that we live at the edge of the world and these concrete bunkhouses are about 100 miles away!. Don't care to go to the malls to get mauled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com