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Position:Home>Poetry> I am making a painting as a creative response to 3 of Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Question: I am making a painting as a creative response to 3 of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's sonnets, suggestions!?
For my British Literature class I am responding to 3 sonnets by EBB (from her sonnets from the Portuguese) through painting!. I have thought of a ton of different compositions and arrangements but I just wanted to see if you guys could offer and fresh suggestions or something to inspire me for another jumping point!. They work in a progression from extreme self doubt and nonacceptance of her lover's love, to fair acceptance of his love and self doubt of herself, to full unabashed love and passion!. I have 3 canvases and my idea for now is some sort of progression from dark mucky black color gradually to red in the last one with pictorial elements in each representative of the poems content!. Any new ideas!? They are sonnets 21, 32, and 43 if you want to look them up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
try imagination in creative flight
