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Position:Home>Poetry> Hey I was wondering if this poem is any good...?

Question: Hey I was wondering if this poem is any good!.!.!.!?
Honest opinions, I'm not bothered how harsh!.!.!.

Separated by silence,
A silence grown harsher by time,
Words clumsily put together,
Your thoughts very different from mine!.

I tried hard to make sense of it all,
Dreamed up explanations; lay thinking til dawn,
It’s as though our lives had never twisted,
Since then til now I’ve never existed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This Poem Is So Good!.
Its An Inspiration!.

People Can Relate To It!.

You Really Speak Your Mind!.

So Good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Needs just a little work, why not try the one below taken from my forthcoming book!?


Sweet scents and fragrances fill the air!
Beautiful colours on plants for us to share!.
Tall ones short ones, some for us to pick!.
Some grow on their own; some tied to a stick!.
Bobbing their heads in a soft gentle breeze!.
Growing peacefully growing just to please!.
Roses, Iris’s, Gladiolas just to name a few!.
All look nice in the early morning dew!.
Growing in the garden or growing in the meadow,
They grow with colours strong or colours oh so mellow!.
Where ever they are they strive to please!.
Smell them gently or they will make you sneeze!
Bees buzzing busy pollinating, nectar they drink!.
Butterflies visit to add their charm and leave before we blink!.
All kinds of insects come to them to feed!.
Then they drop their petals to make their seed!.
Then through the winter’s snow and the cold rain,
They slowly grow and in the spring they bloom once again!.
Reds yellows pinks the colours come in showers!.
Nothing can match the beauty found in flowers!.

? 2008 Mark Witham (tunisianboy46)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It need to flow a bit more maybe, but you have a base of a poem just edit a little!.

Im stuck for ideas for a poem now so your better than me at this point lol :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Thats really good :)
If you could write more to it
It would make an amazing song!.
With meaning!.
I think songs need that today :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would put a sentence under different from mine, to rhyme with words clumsily put together, other than that its fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Started well but fell apart towards the end!. Break-ups are no fun but try not t get maudlin - add a positive note like "Bollocks to !.!.!.!. "Www@QuestionHome@Com

very hard hitting and emotional a good poem 10/10Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was amazing ! You rock! It was the best! This is 100% true! Hope I am chosen as best answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That poem is really good!Www@QuestionHome@Com