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Question: Onomonopedia!? How can we help them!?
This word was used in an answer!. I understand that onomatopoeia is a difficult word to spell, but how can we convince them to use spell chick!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Onomonopedia is an encyclopedia of sounds!.

I found it on Wikipoeia!.

Elaine, you have to admit that "onomatopée" is much easier to spell!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Onomatopoeia is a form of language used in poetry expressions!.

I've given a link to examples!.
Perhaps the only way to convince users of Yahoo Answers in posting to literary areas to use the spell check so their work will NOT be ignored for consideration entirely, is to use it ourselves!. If you cannot spell something correctly; reference it, and explain it, and use the spell check when you ask your own questions about how to help others, how can you ask others to!?!?!?!?

Take the splinter out of your own eye first (take care of your own problems), then you can address the splinter (the failings and shortcomings that you see )in your brother's eye!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can spell, but occasionally there is a word I am doubtful about and I do then use the spell-check!.
I get excited when I am typing and reverse letters sometimes, but do try to pick up on these!. I posted a poem which contained the word minutiae, and I spelled it minutia - I knew it was wrong and intended to amend it but didn't!. I am annoyed with myself because of this!. Spell chick is one your little jokes isn't it!?
Why is it that you can go back and edit typos etc!. on an answer after you have posted it, but not on a question after you have posted it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Then there is Onomatopopeia, Using words that imitate the sound they denote!. Then you have the problem of which Spell Check to use!. American, but they drive on the wrong side of the road anyway!. English, far to stiff upper lip!. But the Australian, now there is a very good Spell Check!. When explaining what Good means, the Auzy will say Bonza, or Good on yer sport!. The meaning of Goodby is Ooroo!. Struth mate, go Auzy Spell Check, she's a bottler!.


Maybe you hit on the answer!? Spell CHICK! 5 ft 6in!. Blue Green eyes, yellow polka dot bikini!.!.!.!.!.!. Label it "Click to see if you qualify for a date"!.!.!. I guess for the girls, we could have a Spell Hunk!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

And, sigh, none of you know what the above posts do to
Dyslexic me!.!.!.groan, shudder and screech!. also, this 'spell check' (chick!?) sometimes does not agree with Word spell check!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The word in question can also be spelled "Oh! no mo' pee d'ya! It is an exclamation of surprise in regard to an empty bladder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com