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Position:Home>Poetry> 10 points to someone who understands this poetry.?

Question: 10 points to someone who understands this poetry!.!?
Written whilst drunk a few months ago!.!. i think i remember what it's about, can anyone else understand it!?

We are the pillars of hope and corruption
In this palace of copulation and narcotics
Walk down the hallway
And rediscover the room
With a plethora of silver stirling
Glistening in a dull lather of lubricant
Hoist your head upwards
And greet the ceiling
He will tell you of that bed in the centre
Not the bed for rest of a head
It has seen orgies,
Uncapable and inconcievable of great golden gods
No, this bed wont accompany you to your newborn awakening!.
This place banished the innate modesty we hold
A long time ago!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I understand the poetry well!. My reading of the poetry, as you are the author, will be different than yours!. It reads similiar to some of JIm Morisson's poetry, especially about walking down the halls and discovering a room, as well as drug references and orgies!. And great golden gods, now that I think about it!. I like the imagery a lot but I think it hits too close to other poet's work!. I am sure it wasn't intentional!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, this is what i think the poem is about:
A time of change!. Rediscovery of life and understanding that times are about to change and life won't be the same forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com