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Position:Home>Poetry> Any comments or critiques of this new poem?

Question: Any comments or critiques of this new poem!?
Sign Of Hope

Dark green scrub oak trees
Dot the rolling foothills,
In a chenile blanket
of textures and colors!.

Bordered in ribbons
Of blossoms, the
Winding roads create
Floral rainbows that

Run through pastures
Abundant with newborn
Calves, lambs; foals!.
A flourishing contrast

To snaggle toothed
Fences, delapidated lattice barns,
Toppled trees and debris
Left by winter storms!.

God’s nature rebounds in
The eternal sign of hope;
Fresh new life !. !. !.
And the beauty of Spring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it has been a while since i read any of your work and i was pleasantly reminded of the inspiring and lyrical response they evoke in me- they make me feel like everything will be okay!. thanks my friend!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am very impressed!. This is a good old fashioned, well constructed poem with lots of visual imagery - I especially like the first verse and the 'snaggle toothed' verse!. Your use of enjambment ensures that the poem flows on uninterruptedly until you reach Left by winter storms!. The pause then emphasises the message in the last verse!. A poem such as this takes a lot of work to pull off, and you have done it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What a beautifull spring poem!I just dont like that in some sentence it ends with the or that!.Some how it just doesnt belong on the end!.i love the way you descrbied the colors and everything!.

You are very talented and keep on writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

being a poet i have to say that was a very beatiful poem
now if you love writing poetry about nature or about the seasons i will tell you do not end the poem with the but other than that bravo my friend bravo continue writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not one unnecessary word!. The imagery stands out in 3D and your adjectives are astonishing: "chenille" blanket, "floral" rainbows, "flourishing" contrast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its gorgous-bravo spring has arrivedWww@QuestionHome@Com

This poem is as beautiful as spring itself!. Well done!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You do paint very nicely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com