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Position:Home>Poetry> Care to comment on my poem?

Question: Care to comment on my poem!?

I see a man, a most horrid man who makes my feel like nothing!.
When somethings good, he'll always ruin it and make it never good!.
Life can't be good with him around, so when you see him you won't be happy 'cause the good is sucked from you!.
Why even be happy, why even try, is life not only a waste of time!!?
The only reason i'm even here is only because of Her!.
But the horrid, sweaty, full of evil man won't give me a brake, won't let me breath, won't let me drink a drop of water!.
I'm held under the water!. I'm held under the water and i cannot breath, he's killing me and i'm dying faster!.
When will enough finnally be enough!!!?
Because my pulse is slowing down and soon i won't be breathing!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's a great poem with so much feeling and rage and i loved it!.I loved how you described how they are holding you down and you cannot breath!.I knew a guy just like this in the poem and he was pure evil too !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

seems pretty cliche and quite repetitive to me!. a few contradicting images too, which kind of throw off the flow!. plus it's not really saying anything!.!.!. a poem is supposed to stir emotion, make the reader think and feel and connect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was not present at the time!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah!.!.!."who makes MY feel"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com