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Question: I can't stop, do you mind!?
Wind Page

Change on winds of wait
To swoop in, take the pain away
Held at bay by hands of sky
‘it is not time’ they all cry
But all the worlds below
Hopes to hope that it is so
A final fall of hammers clout
And all the storms remorse falls out
Into the shade of moons array
The forest nymphs begin to sway
Around the trees they hope to please
And all their shock be eased
A prophesies is never told
To any who would seek to hold
Its meaning will so oft be clear
But only those with eyes will hear
A knot marked on the gnarled tree
Knows more of fate
Than you
Than me

Blessed Be, Siren!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow Siren this is so great with so much Of your heart and soul put in to it!.When i read your poetry it jumps out out you as your words and feeling take on a life of their own!.I love your work so much and thanks for always sharing with us all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A heart carved on a tree, perhaps an arrow through it, with initials inscribed into the heart!. Very touching!. I see lost lovers, parted in their youth after the fateful heart was cut, living their own lives, finding new loves, then, as age wearies them, they meet again, under the carving and discover that the truth of fate, is the trick of fate!. Happy Destiny, dear Siren!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

don't mind!.!.beautiful!.
I've had the privilege of reading your poem and by answering back, of having it among my answers

would like the inspiration,
the free-flowing thoughts that are trapped,
the skill to put it all together and the exact choice of words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the mention of elemental power, though it is not as forth-with as mine and your others!.!.!.

The rhyme here is very unique and it leads you through a place were the ride is greatly enjoyed!.!.!.

Thank you for sharing this!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats awe inspiring! you have pour your heart and soul into this piece and the results are quite amazing! not many people can portray feelings the way you have!. it's just incredible!.
i feel so privileged to have read this poem!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is truly perfect, your meta and rhyme are sublime, I think this is my fave from you

Please do, Pen On <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's wonderful!. My only problem with it is the line but only those with eyes will hear!. Shouldn't it be ears!? I think your poem is outstanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's really good!. Did you actually write it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com