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Position:Home>Poetry> Who likes the start of my poem-story...?

Question: Who likes the start of my poem-story!.!.!.!?
“Debbie!” someone called
And I turned around to see
A small, chubby girl
Running straight at me

She skidded to a stop
“Are you Debbie!?” she asked
So I turned away from her,
Away from my past

“So what if I am!?”
I replied with a sneer
Not out of meanness
But instead out of fear

“If you're Debbie Miller,
Then I've heard of you
You used to ride horses -
Is that really true!?”

I looked at the girl
And she looked at me
She wanted an answer
That much I could see

I thought for a moment
For what could I say
That would answer her question
But not give me away!?

“Yes,” I replied
“I once used to ride”
As I tried to swallow
The hurt deep inside

“Why did you quit!?”
The girl wanted to know
I didn't want to tell her
For then my feelings would show


So what do you think so far!? Should I continue!? It's actually an idea for a story of mine, but I thought it would work in poetry form too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
thats awesome!! you need to keep writing! if you have ideas in your head just spill them out!. you know, thats the way most writers start off!? they think that its just some random story but i think you are on to something!! keep me posted! i would love to read more!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it's either a poem or a story, it cannot be both!. Frankly in your case, it's NEITHER! Take it from me,
this says nothing and is BORING and POINTLESS!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I love it, and yes continue and do make your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!. Clever idea, putting it into poem form, and its phrased good too!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Looks real nice for poetry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I felt like I was in it!. That's not bad, almost keeps you guessing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com