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Position:Home>Poetry> I made it better, changed the subject, I mean the object. What do you think?

Question: I made it better, changed the subject, I mean the object!. What do you think!?
Reaching for the corner of Summit and SW Blvd
by TD Euwaite

Ready on the left
Ready on the right
Ready on the poetry line
Step up, you pathetic, prosaic ramble!
You’re next!

“Your eyes tell lies”

OK! Next! You, the one with the potty mouth!
Let’s hear it!

“I poop, therefore I am…”


“If my voice trembles and falters
At alters where prayers are forsaken
False and breaking…”

OK…wait, wait, wait…What’s your name!?

“Euwaite, Theodore D!.”

Very good, Euwaite, continue!.

“My calloused soul aching
From promises making me lie!.”

OK, Euwaite, you are chosen!. Now, put on this Statue of Liberty Costume!. You will stand out there on the corner and wave at the motorists!. Got it!?

“Yes, Ma’am…Sir!”


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You made the summit with this irony!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've not seen this before - it is so funny!. And I loved it, despite (dare I say) not having a clear idea of what it all means!.
Please enlighten me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did someone forget to take those tiny little pills today!? LOL Very funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're working for Liberty Tax Service now!?
I feel sorry for those guys (and gals) and I always wave at them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am glad you added the edit!. I am able to thoroughly appreciate the poem now!. It's very funny!. I can just picture you !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"POTTY MOUTH" I love that word!. A friend of mine calls me
that everytime I throw an "F" bomb!. I love throwing :F" bombs!.
Very interesting poem too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have no objection to you changing the subject!. Nor do I wish to be subjected to objectionable subjects, because they make me so abject that I need to inject myself with spirituous quaffs!.

I think you should alter "alter" to "altar!." [Helpful hit: The altar is in the front, but they do alterations in the rear!.

In regard to the line that begins with "Very good," Is the person telling you to wait, or to continue!?

Don'cha jus' love the English language!?Www@QuestionHome@Com