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Position:Home>Poetry> This is not the last one, only the one that goes last. What do you think?

Question: This is not the last one, only the one that goes last!. What do you think!?
The White King
by TD Euwaite

How has it come to pass
That he is here on my second line
How has the match
Gotten so out of hand

If he is here as I am
Eye to eye in endgame
Why does he wait
Why does he taunt me

He likes to march
He likes to mark off the squares
He likes me cornered and toothless
Laid bare

Do it! Checkmate!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How about 2 out of 3!? Another go sir!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.a game I never learned how to play :(


The kill is never as good as the hunt!. No metaphors to hide behind now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ooh, yes, there's something here that I really liked! Liked is the wrong word, it struck me!. I play some chess, and I find that the way people play often reflects how they act in real life!. Some people love to frighten you and keep you in check and on the edge for ages before they actually checkmate, and I suppose this is an indication of how they are in real life, as you say:
"He likes me cornered a toothless"
Liz xWww@QuestionHome@Com

wonderfully done!.!.!.!.!.so how many are there in this series in total!? all of them put together shall make a classic!.!.!.a piece on which so many interesting studies could be done!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Huis clos!. (No exit--endgame)!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is it Death you have just outwitted!? Careful, usually what goes around, round!.!.!.is fair game for the counter-coup!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Alekhine once commented that the chess master should be a combination of a beast of prey and an ascetic monk"

Just got this quote of the web, whilst looking for the name of an old chess master!. - so looks like you've got it spot on with the image of a cornered animal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com