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Position:Home>Poetry> Have you ever felt old?

Question: Have you ever felt old!?
Have you ever looked after a Grand son!?
"Who is just four years old!?
And has he pestered the life out of you
Until you have done as you are told!?
Have you made him a paper airplane!?
And thrown it for what seemed like
hours have passed away!?
Have you ever felt your age when you
know he is on his way, and thought to
yourself, Oh heck there goes my peaceful day!?

He appears at your front door with an angelic
Look upon his face,
then gives the nicest of smiles and says
"Hello Poppy I've come to Stay at your place"!.
"Videos, why yes I have saved just one for you,
so when would you like to watch it!?"
"Oh not just yet", he replies,
"Lets fly the airplanes for an hour
or maybe two"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A very heartfelt and touching piece of writing!. I guess this is how my parents must feel right now!. I'm the youngest in the family!. They have 12 grandchildren now!. Half of them are being "dumped" by my siblings here at our house on office hours!. So my parents are dealing with at least 6 grandchildren every day!. They must have felt this way sometimes, or who knows always!. Very beautiful poem indeed, i'll show this to my mom!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com



I love this poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice poem,thanks for sharing that with us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A fascinating poetic story!. As for me, some day in the future perhaps!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My pastor has nine grand children who call him Poppy! And he is a pastor, a fireman and an EMT at 63 years old still!. He is still going strong and that I admire!. I don't know when he thinks he is going to get old!. My father is 73 and still builds houses!. I don't know when he thinks he getting old!. My grandmother is 97 and is just now slowing down!. I think she thinks she's reached middle age!. I'm in a line of long livers as many in my family have lived to be over 100 years old!. Old!? Is that around 97 or so!? Ha ha! But wonderful poem, Robert!. If you think young--you'll stay young!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yep, I've been there!. Good accounting of being "Poppy"!. Here I am called Papa by a few!. Gotta love the children, even should it be our demise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com