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Position:Home>Poetry> How to write a poem from a person's point of view..?

Question: How to write a poem from a person's point of view!.!.!?
mkay, im writing a poem about Of Mice and Men
&& Im going to write it from Georges POV!.
I dont know how to start it!.!.!.
I want it to start with something about how he doesnt have a steady life && he always changes jobs!.!.!.
any ideas for first sentences!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, if you're going to write a poem, please avoid using the IM text style used in your question!.!.!.poetry is about words, full words, not numbers, symbols, etc!.

As far as how to start it, you need to start it by becoming George!.!.!.remember, unlike Lenny who's mentally handicapped, George is an intelligent and hardworking man who's trying to cover and take care of his cousin!.!.!.constantly afraid that Lenny is going to do something in a time when the country was 'really' in a depression and being out of work meant you could actually starve (not just go on welfare)!. So, if you want to do the story justice, take a snippet of time, perhaps before they get to their next job/resting stop, where George is wondering who will hire them, if Lenny will behave himself this time, if the bread they have left will last until their next hot meal, how far the busdriver will drop them off from the actual ranch where they're going to look for work!.!.!.take that small stretch of time and pretend you're George!.!.!.with the weight of the world on your strong but tired shoulders, all his fears, all his hopes, and all his responsibility!.!.!.and reflect!.!.!.write down what he's thinking and include something about the last place they were at, as well as his hopes and worries about the next place!.!.!.you might start out like this:

"I hope this time it'll be different
but knowing Lenny, I reckon it won't"

you can mention Lenny's preoccupation with rabbits if you like, or how you're glad that he's sleeping at the moment so you have a chance to catch your breath and do some thinking!.

hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com