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Question: A Parent's Wish!?
Not a lot of metaphors in this!.

A Parent’s Wish!?

Grow up little one, the world awaits…
but stay awhile first!.

Grow up wise, learn to fly…
but slowly please!.

Spend some time with those you love…
for they love you so!.

Hold your blankie, hold it tight…
just a little longer!.

Call out for your Mommy, Daddy too…
they will comfort you!.

Feel the soothing warmth, the arms around…
of a loving hug!.

Grow up little one…
but stay awhile first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Time flies by entirely too quickly, does it not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nyc poem tells abt what parents do and have sacrificed for thr children in thr lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

The comfort of a blankie, washed to near shreds!. cherished
parent memory to keep them warm!.
A nice poem that would make a pretty lullaby!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's that prickling behind my eyes!? - you have captured my heart!. No, I mustn't cry - I will be getting a reputation for being an emotional old lady!. The sentiments you express are exactly what I believe!. When I see my daughter and daughter-in-law trying to rush their little ones onto the next stage - I say 'Let them be baby's for a little bit longer'
I adore babies and small children!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mine are grown, and I still want them to stay awhile!. They'll always be my little ones!.!.!. Lovely sentiment Neon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No straight forward but done well!. At time you want them to stay little but others hurry get bigger!. When they do grow up and leave, you want them back!. Still when they have problems, who do they call for (Momma and Daddy)!.
I like it, thanks for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com