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Position:Home>Poetry> Check out my poem!!?

Question: Check out my poem!!!?
Its an ode to my favorite female artist
first person to answer correctly gets the best answer!!

The Gypsy

A british accent upfront
Textured teased
Black locks reminisce of 60’s
A metal birthmark above her lips
That are frosted in pink
Dark eyes
Smoldering gold under black lashes
Lumps of frosted flesh
Releasing liquid sound
Quavering but controlled vibrato
Battling saxophone
For first chair
Metal over mouth!?
I choose mouth
The golden noise
Wiggles and shakes
In unachievable combinations
Of pain , love
Favoring the old ones
I moan when
The final measure finishes
But oh, one more!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Amy Winehouse!?Www@QuestionHome@Com