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Question: Another random acrostic!. Are you interested!?
Inspired by a question!.


Let it rest,
another day will come,
you will see tomorrow!.

Memory is often strong
enough to last under grief!.

Only, hold me close tonight,
not thinking of the dawn!.

Touch me,
heal me and think that
everything will be all right!.

After this you must
let me go
to face the morning
and the pain!.
Remember, I die so you can live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As the hot dog said to the mustard, "You're on a roll!."
Yet if the truth be told, the poem can refer to Jesus, or it can be treated erotically!. I'm not comfortable with that combination!. Is that 'cause I'm Jewish!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

HA! You will get altered, I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every note well played!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have certainly been shining today!. Well done!. This can be to me interpreted from spiritual to a dying last embrace!. Nice when deeper meanings live just below the obvious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is much truth to this poem,
the first paragraph makes sense
Let it rest
another day will come
wait until tomorrow
Everyone is in such a hurry!.
healing can be dealt with by a touch
memories are often strong
under much grieving!.
The line when I die so you can live
I think of soldiers who fought for our countryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Brilliant girl!

Double meaning here, I got it from the Jesus point of view either that, donations of an organ!?!?

either way, I truly love how your latest work really makes the reader (ie me LOL) think

Maybe I look too deeply into it but, it's too fun <3

I loved this'n *^_^*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Another good one!.
Your on a roll!.
Nice work:)Www@QuestionHome@Com


The poem is wonderful, as usual!. I'm not a fan of martyrdom, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They last line confuses me but the rest I like well rather i don't like!.!.!.I fear my warrior princess has fallen off her horse and bloodied her face!.!.If only she had someone to lick it off!.!.!.My God there must be something wrong with me to find that image appealing!.!.!.what i mean of course that she has someone who doesn't mind helping her "lick her wounds"!.!.someone who might even enjoy her dark warrior waysWww@QuestionHome@Com