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Position:Home>Poetry> Another acrostic sheerly for fun. Will you read and critique?

Question: Another acrostic sheerly for fun!. Will you read and critique!?

Being here,
even for the shortest
length of time
is painful!.
Every minute you are here,
venom seeps from memory,
eclipsing the present!.

I thought you loved me,
never in my life

might the thought intervene,
evoking memory of

truth that I wish I could
hope away!.
Offer me something,
until I can see clear!.
Grey skies
Haunt my vision!.

Insanity is my best friend!.

Will you ever remember,
or have you pushed it aside,
'neath the water under
the bridge!?

Tell me that you lied!
Relive that moment
underneath repression!
Say that you apologize for
taking this from me!.

Yesterday we were happy,
often laughing, forgetting that the
universe is cruel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good read, I liked this one
Reminds me that all that gliiters!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Even made me a bit angry
A poem well done
Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is fantastic!. This poem is definitive of the second alignment from your soul!. If you will think about a great serenade, please write one for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very nice!!

8 out of 10!!!

I liked it!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

believe in me though i won't trust you


i love that last 3 lines

it's beautifulWww@QuestionHome@Com

That was beautiful!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a lot of work!.!.!.for somebody we don't even like no more!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

amazing roller coaster of thought!.!.!.
of a life!.!.!. of what to do!.!.
usually telling a wall to say that it is
wont make it a door!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting!. You ask for trust and at the same time state do not trust!. Very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wtf "Believe in me though I won't trust you"!? What is that suppose to mean!? Really Girl I can't comprehend you at all!.!.Okay I'll tell you what i get from this!. Someone loves you or they use to!.!.and though you may not have loved this person in return their love made the time before you know them less painful!.!.and now that they don't love you anymore life is painful again!.!.!.Am I right!? Lets pretend I'm right!.!.!.The hidden message doesn't make much sense with the rest of the poem!.!.What do you want them to believe!? That maybe someday you might love them in return even though you will never love them because you don't trust them not to hurt you!.!.is that it!?!.!.Anywhos it is very sweet seems like you've lost a friend!.!.If that's true I'm sorry!. But as i not only say but also believe "The universe has a way of working itself out"Www@QuestionHome@Com