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Position:Home>Poetry> What was Laurence Dunbar trying to accomplish by writing his poem, "We Wear

Question: What was Laurence Dunbar trying to accomplish by writing his poem, "We Wear the Mask"!?
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He is expressing how he feels about slavery, because he was, I believe, at one point, a slave, or was a victim of segregation!. Can you imagine, always having to act a certain way in order not to be discriminated against!.

He talks about the road to freedom as being difficult and arduous!.

In a time of misunderstood people, he was trying to tell people not to wear their masks!.

You don't have to be a certain emotion to fit in!.

Humans are multi-layered (well, some are) and the mask that we wear keeps people from seeing who we really are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com