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Position:Home>Poetry> Does this poem make sense? What do you think it's about?

Question: Does this poem make sense!? What do you think it's about!?
I want to see if i'm getting the right point across

Ping Pong Game

Childish games,
With no conscience or insight
Court surrounded by chains
An inescapable fight

The years of happiness, a painting close beyond the bars
Stared at for hours, by something covered in scars

Heartless and unfeeling anger,
As the paddles smash the ball
Object telling them where they once were
Trapped in between of the brawl

Something between the commotion
Inching to the end of its rope
Has no feelings or emotion
Through the eyes of its only hope

The bruises of the ball
Are stored deep inside
Impossible to recall
How many tears it has cried

Being tossed back and fourth
At such a young age
Being used in the wars
And being trapped in a cage

The paddles never understood
And back and forth it’s tossed
All faith in a childhood,
Is hopelessly lost

The smashing of the hits
On an already dark bruise
Inside is torn to bits
betrayed and abused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow girlfriend!.!.!. I didn't know that your sweet demeanor held back such strong dark feelings!. Can this have something to do with the divorce of your parents and you being in the middle!? Whatever the case this is a good piece of poetry!. Even more than that it seems to be therapeutic and will not only entertain those who read it but will serve to release your pent up anger!. Peace&Love to you my dear Mystica!.!.!.~M~Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow that's amazing!! You should send it to someone!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it is absoluty f u cken senseless and retarded ,you should lay off the crack pipe for awhile,Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think its a poem about how you feel about something!.Is there anything bothering you that would make you feel bruised and smashed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really liked it!, A childhood game being seen as something more like your relating the game to human emotions and experiences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very heartfelt!. I get the meaning: It's you feeling like you're being forced into two different directions or life, and you hate it!. The paddles are people and the ball is you, being crontrolled!. I like the metaphore :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should publish! Definitley struck a note with me! =]]Www@QuestionHome@Com