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Position:Home>Poetry> Understanding an english class poem? HELP! its really short! i have 2 questions!

Question: Understanding an english class poem!? HELP! its really short! i have 2 questions!!?
This is earthquake
Honor and Hunger
Walk lean

What does lean mean in this context!?^^

Is lean a verb, adj, or both!? how does it impact the lines!?

thanks so much! im not good at this and i have to share tomorrow, everyone seems to understand, but it think its hard! can anyone help!? or do u all now understand it either!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, poetry is not my strong point, but in this context, I believe it means something along the lines of walking together thin (I got this idea from the hunger part)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In this context, I believe what is being expressed is the thin line holding them together!. Honor is preferred, yet when one is hungry it becomes easier to cross that thin line to satisfy one's hunger!. In other words, one may not believe in stealing, but during a tradegy or difficult time when one is starving, possibly to death, then stealing becomes easier and justifiable!. Therefore, lean would be a noun representing a thin line!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com