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Question: POWERPOiNT!?
I have to do a power point for school about a poet
how should I outline it like it has to be 20 slides long what should all theses slides include!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Spend a few slides on his/her history: two each!. Birth and childhood, beginning of career, prime of career, end of career, and death including fulfillment of life goals!. Edit if they are living!.

Talk about their style and what they were known for!. Put maybe three slides on that!. Then add a poem you like (one slide) and talk about it (another slide)!.

Talk about the poet's world and the state it was in!. Relate to the family and how they influenced him/her!. This should be detailed and about three slides!.

Then add two slides of conclusion!. Put in the guy's best accomplishments and whatnot, and well as your impression and why you chose them!.

Then make them all pretty, perfect, and adherent!. Don't worry about the length!. The print is big and you'll often find that you have to shorten!. It sounds a lot longer than it is!. If this doesn't fit what you need, then I hope you can use it as a basic model!.Www@QuestionHome@Com