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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem that will probably go forgotten?

Question: A poem that will probably go forgotten!?
Too Many Cooks

Tumbling from the comfort of this ride,
Overthrown by negative vibes,
Obligated to obliterating peace!.

Milestones that are attainable,
Are strewn on the highway of progress!.
Never reaching maturity!.
Youthful zeal overcomes them, and they expire!.

Coagulation never takes hold, bleeding persists!.
O' the agony of ignorance is the culprit!
O' the joy that could have been!
Keep me alive in your memory,
Saying I know our day will soon come!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't let the bad guys win!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Semper, amazin' again my friend, so versatile you are and what a great topic <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Semper, I don't often answer you're poetic queries, Mainly because I am unworthy!.!.!.I have no knowledge of stanzas and such, but I love to write and I love your stuff!
I've read in your profile about what you do, and there's an "Up and coming" who wants to follow the same path!. He is currently serving, as you know, Moving to D!.C!. soon!.!.!. His passion is music, lyrics, writing!.!.!.!. In some way he wants to work with kids in the future, FAME and Fortune are not his goals
His E-mails home say just that much!.!.!. OK that's it, you've got me crying!.!.!.!.Men like you are few and far between, my friend!
SEMPER FI!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

there's no ryhthym!.!.!.but great words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't believe any of your poems will be forgotten!.
I don't have confidence that I'll understand poetry, but this one I read - it strikes me that you'll never be forgotten!.
You obviously have a great gift!. Thanks for continuing to share!. Peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Semper Fi I am with T!.D!. in saying don't let them get to you as they are not worth it!.Like i always tell myself when someone is getting the best of me' i say i am not going to give them the power over me to make me feel bad or sad' as they are not worth my sadness!.!.Your a great friend and I love you like a Brother and your words are so inspirational to me and many more!.Better day are coming My good friend!.Here's a star and a hug for you [Hug Hug [ God bless you and give you Strength always Cami!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that was lovely, thank you for sharing!.!.!.!.!.=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Once again, I send you flowers for your descriptive work!.
Memory is longstanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This will never be forgotten !. You are so inspiring!. we love you Semper Fi!. God Bless and keep up the good work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never forgotten,deep words Semp!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The poem forgotten maybe; the sentiments not, m'dear Semp!.

Speaking of forgotten!.!.!. I have something on my mind tonight, too!.!.!.!.

A voice echoes over airwaves,
"I think I found the vehicles!.!.!.!.
"Send fire, ambulance, they're in flames!."
"That's affirm," replies dispatch!.

Silence fills the room,
Awaiting the next report!.!.!.
The mind swells with sickening knowledge,
Death will fill this night!.

Day confirms the nighttime scene
Only pieces left!.
Roadway burns, and damage signs!.
No people left!.

One man, one woman,
Traveling home!.
Never arrived!.

One friend, one buddy,
Keeping company!.
No longer there!.

One man!.!.!.!.
HOW many drinks!?
Four lives!.!.!.!.
Gone forever!.

Four more crosses alongside the road!.
When can we stop making crosses!?

Have an "artsy" day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not forgotten by me!! Another good one!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i was just wanting to say i like the avatorWww@QuestionHome@Com